Research & Graduate Studies Condemns Anti-Asian Violence

Research & Graduate Studies condemns all acts of violence perpetrated against Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander (AAPI), and other marginalized communities. The horrifying attacks in Atlanta last week and other recent racially and ethnically targeted violence in New York City, the San Francisco Bay Area, and here in Portland have understandably devastated communities of color. We cannot and will not allow such acts and the harm they inflict, direct or otherwise, upon students, faculty, staff members, and those in our l communities.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion enrich our shared missions of contributing to the sum of human knowledge, service to the community, and educating students. They are core values that enhance the research enterprise at Portland State University, and RGS is steadfast in its dedication to uplifting them in all the work we do.

We encourage students, faculty, and staff members to join us in this vital work. We also ask that you continue to compassionately support those within our community affected by discrimination of any kind, including the recent acts of violence— especially now that many in PSU's AAPI communities are experiencing feelings of anger, fear, and grief.

If you or someone you know requires assistance, PSU's Student Health & Counseling Center is available to provide service and resources. Other campus resources are also ready to help, including PSU's Pacific Islander, Asian & Asian American Student Center, and the Cultural Resource Centers. PSU’s Global Diversity & Inclusion Department also offers a number of Diversity Education & Learning resources, including free online Bystander Intervention Trainings to Stop Anti-Asian American and Xenophobic Harassment

The appalling shootings in Atlanta last week are yet another illustration of how far our country still needs to go to address and ultimately eradicate hatred, racism, and misogyny. Research & Graduate Studies is dedicated to advancing the diversity, equity, and inclusivity of the research enterprise at Portland State and to serving everyone in our community through our work.

Jason Podrabsky,
Interim Vice President
Research & Graduate Studies