Center for Real Estate Students enjoy incredible support from the commercial real estate industry. Complimentary access to compelling programs on current trends and data are often provided. Students are encouraged to keep up with current industry events and coordinate with Meagan An regarding attendance opportunities.

Real Estate Emerging Leaders (REEL)

REEL (Real Estate Emerging Leaders) is a student-run organization affiliated with the Center for Real Estate at Portland State University. The organization is comprised of PSU students in multiple disciplines, including master's programs in Real Estate, Architecture, Urban & Regional Planning, Business, and Finance. At REEL, members strive to bring resilience, innovation, and inclusivity to the constantly evolving field of Real Estate.

Alumni Group

Formed in 2017, PSU’s real estate alumni group is one of the most active alumni chapters on PSU’s campus. Alumni host various events throughout the year to connect and learn from one another, as well as serve PSU undergraduate and graduate real estate students. Many real estate alumni are actively involved in training and supporting the next generation of real estate professionals through guest speaking in the classroom, hosting real estate tours, and providing essential scholarship funds. For more information about joining PSU Center for Real Estate’s alumni chapter, please contact Meagan An at