Applied Psychology Ph.D. Program Details

Graduate training in psychology at Portland State University provides a sound basis in traditional areas of psychology, while emphasizing applications of psychological theory and research to problems of contemporary society.

The program focus is on applied psychology with an emphasis on five areas: 

The aim is to prepare graduates for research and service roles in a variety of settings such as government agencies, businesses, educational systems, and hospitals. It should be noted that the graduate program in psychology does not offer graduate degrees in clinical or counseling psychology.

Program Length

The master's program normally takes students 2-3 years to complete. The doctoral program should take approximately 5 years to complete (3 years after the master's degree). However, students coming in with a master's degree may take longer to complete the Ph.D. program if they need to complete more of the basic program requirements.

The program presently admits students on a full-time day basis. We do not have a separate evening or other part-time program. We do not offer the graduate degree through online courses or other modes of distance education.  

Graduate Funding Opportunities

Most admitted students are offered funding in the form of research/teaching assistantships or fellowships. For more information about graduate assistantships and other financial support, visit Graduate Funding Opportunities.

Transfer Credits

In general, courses taken at other institutions may be applied to the graduate degree at Portland State. These typically either take the form of credits directly applied toward the PSU degree or waivers of PSU requirements on the grounds that they were met at a prior institution. However, students typically cannot count credits taken toward a completed degree at another institution. 

Non-Degree Seeking Students

You do not have to be officially admitted to the program to take graduate Psychology courses nor do you need to formally apply to the Applied Psychology program to take courses as a non-degree seeking student. We encourage community members who are employed but considering a return to school to begin by taking a graduate course. However, students may be required to obtain permission from the instructor. 

Course credits taken as a non-degree seeking student can be transferred into the program. However, the university has an upper limit on the number of credits taken as a non-degree seeking student that will transfer into the graduate program. Students should visit the Graduate School for more information about this policy.  

Psychology M.A./M.S. Degree Requirements

Candidates for the master’s degree must earn a minimum of 54 credits, including thesis, in approved graduate courses, forty of which must be earned in psychology. Proficiency in a foreign language is required for the Master of Arts degree, but not for the Master of Science degree. Students’ individual programs are determined in consultation with their advisors.


  • Psy 521 Univariate Quantitative Methods (5 credits)
  • Psy 522 Multiple Regression and Multivariate Quantitative Methods (5 credits)
  • Psy 514 Advanced Applied Social Psychology (4 credits)
  • Psy 515 Advanced Applied Developmental Psychology (4 credits)
  • Psy 516 Advanced Organizational Psychology (4 credits)
  • Electives (24 credits)
  • Psy 503 Thesis (8 credits)


The student must submit and defend the thesis at an oral examination.

54 total credits

Applied Psychology Ph.D. Degree Requirements

Candidates for the Ph.D. in applied psychology must earn a minimum of 108 credits in approved graduate courses. Candidates will undertake a program of study determined in consultation with an advisory committee. The doctoral program is equivalent to the two-year master’s program described above plus additional required courses in research design, methodology, and ethics.


  • Psy 621 Univariate Quantitative Methods (5 credits)
  • Psy 622 Multiple Regression and Multivariate Quantitative Methods (5 credits)
  • Psy 624 Research Design in Applied Psychology (4 credits)
  • Psy 6xx Required methodology elective (4 credits)
  • Psy 614 Advanced Applied Social Psychology (4 credits)
  • Psy 615 Advanced Applied Developmental Psychology (4 credits)
  • Psy 616 Advanced Organizational Psychology (4 credits) 
  • Psy 618 Ethics and Professional Issues in Applied Research and Practice (4 credits)
  • 6XX Electives in major concentration areas (12 credits) 
  • 6XX Additional Electives, including optional Psy 604 Internship credits of up to 8 (27 credits)
  • Psy 503 Thesis (8 credits)
  • Psy 603 Dissertation (27 credits)

Psy 621, Psy 622, Psy 624: passing grade of B+ or higher required

108 total credits

Comprehensive Examination

The comprehensive exam is comprised of exams in the major area and the minor area.


The student must submit and defend the dissertation at an oral examination.