Photo of Flagship Student Headshot

William Holden

PSU Russian Flagship Alumni

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of History at the University of Michigan. Having received the ASEEES Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship in 2019, I then completed my archival research at the Russian State Historical Archive and the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents. I am currently writing my dissertation, entitled "Defining Accusations: Magic and Superstition in the Russian Enlightenment.


Certification: Language Flagship Certified Global Professional with Distinction

Honors and Awards: Oregon Laurels Scholarship (2010), Critical Language Scholarship (2011), Pacific Historical Review Editorial Assistance Fellowship (2014); Presenter, 18th Annual UCLA Undergraduate Research Conference on Slavic and Eastern/Central European Studies (2015); Boren Scholarship (2015-2016); Russian Overseas Flagship (2015-2016)

Representations of the Soviet Reader: A Case Study

International Internship: Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan

What do you plan to do with your fluency in Russian?
I plan to continue working with Russian history and culture in a post-graduate studies program. From there, I plan to go into education or policy.

What attracted you to RFP?
In today’s globalized economy, having professional language skills is essential for thriving in our workforce. As a student of the humanities, I felt that the Russian Flagship program would help me to develop the language skills necessary for competing in today’s competitive professional environment.

What’s the best aspect of being in RFP?
The resources provided by the National Language Flagship have allowed our Russian program to hire excellent instructors, who are a privilege to work with. In addition, the smaller class sizes and the community of committed students create an environment where we are truly able to hone our language skills.

Why is fluency in Russian important to you?
In addition to the numerous professional opportunities that are made available through the study of Russian, having a window into another culture and way of thinking is truly rewarding. Obtaining a thorough understanding of another culture opens up new perspectives, which are both personally and professionally beneficial.

Flagship student presents project
  • BA History (2016;)
  • BA Russian (2015)
  • Advanced Proficiency in Russian Certificate (2016)
  • University Honors College (2016)