Wayne Wakeland

Wayne Wakeland


Systems Science - Liberal Arts & Sciences

HAR 101
Wed: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
(503) 880-0613

Dr. Wakeland's research interests include health systems policy, biomedical dynamics, ecological economics and sustainability, supply chain management, organizational dynamics and systems thinking, emphasizing the use of simulation & optimization methods. The simulation languages he uses include Vensim, Netlogo, and Arena; with support provided by R and Python.

Research Interests & Expertise

  • Systems Science

Wakeland Selected Works, in Bepress

Wakeland CV

Badge displaying Systems Science specialty
  • PhD, 1977
    Portland State U.
  • Master of Engr. 1973
    Harvey Mudd College
  • BS, Engr. 1972
    Harvey Mudd College