Tom Hastings

Associate Professor

Conflict Resolution - Liberal Arts & Sciences

(503) 744-9787

Tom Hastings holds degrees in Peace Studies, Mass Communication, and Education. He joined the PSU faculty in 2000 and serves as Undergraduate Program Coordinator for Conflict Resolution. He directs PeaceVoice, an editorial/news service provided by the Oregon Peace Institute. He has written eight books including Meek Ain't Weak: Nonviolent Power and People of Color (2002); The Lessons of Nonviolence (2006); and A New Era of Nonviolence (2014).

Tom is a 35-year nonviolent activist for peace, justice and environmentalism, and a Plowshares veteran of three prisons. He is a past chair of the Peace and Justice Studies Association and serves on the Academic Advisory Council of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict. He was named Peace Educator of the Year in 2017 by PJSA. He is a co-founder of the Portland Peace Team