Stephanie Bryson

Stephanie Bryson

Professor | Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Social Work, School of

ASRC 671
(503) 725-5004

PSU History

I have been at PSU since 2016, when I joined the faculty as Associate Professor and BSW Program Director. I am currently the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the School of Social Work.


Before coming to PSU, I was an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia, a Research Associate at the University of Kansas, and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Smith College. My direct practice experience is in child and family mental health, especially trauma treatment and community-based approaches to reduce underservice.

Academic/Research Interests

Over the past 20 years, my research has aimed to reduce coercive, stigmatizing, and carceral responses within the child welfare, children’s mental health, and disability systems. My ongoing scholarly interests include feminist, postcolonial, and critical theories; cultural studies; historical and comparative methods; and transformative justice approaches to harm.

Personal Interests

Cats, music, art, traveling, popular culture, desserts.

  • PhD in Sociology and Social Policy
    Brandeis University
  • Master of Social Work
    Smith College
  • Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and Women Studies
    Colorado College