Stephani Jeronimo-Martinez

Stephani Jeronimo-Martinez

Student Success Coordinator

Business, The School of

KMC 230K
(503) 725-6680

Stephani is a first-generation student from Portland State who pursued a BA in business administration with a double concentration in marketing and advertising. While a student, she got involved in AO Connect, Dean’s Circle, the marketing club, Alpha Chi Omega, and other student organizations. She also had various on-campus jobs and was the co-creator of the Talk Business with Me Podcast. Because of Stephani's roles, she gained a strong passion for student success, which persuaded her to work towards her master's in higher education.

In December 2023, Stephani earned her master's degree. She became a full-time employee at the School of Business in January 2024, focusing on four main components- student retention, sense of belonging, recruitment, and student-employee supervision. She is passionate about helping students find a sense of belonging on campus and guiding/helping them toward their end goal. Stephani says she has the privilege of combining her passion for higher education, marketing, and advertising into a role focusing on all three. She has also found joy in being a co-instructor for a management lower division course.

Stephani mentioned that her passion for helping students is strong, motivating her to be a better person every day. She strongly believes that student success is found through a sense of belonging and connection.

  • Master of Science in Educ: Ed Leadership and Policy
    Portland State University
  • Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration, Marketing & Advertising
    Portland State University