Shannon Yentzer

Shannon Yentzer

Marketing & Communications Manager

Engineering & Computer Science, Maseeh College of

EB 502B
(503) 725-5246

I have a deep understanding and practical knowledge of communications and design in both education and small business environments. I've worked in a variety of industries, including nonprofits, education, healthcare, and wellness, and been a small business owner. I have Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Literature, was adjunct faculty in Chicago and Georgia, and I've taught yoga and practiced massage, and continue to perfect my handstand.

  • PhD (ABD)(20th C. Novels & Critical Theory)
    University of Georgia
  • MA (Shakespeare)
    University of Georgia
  • BA (British Literature)
    Kenyon College
  • Postbaccalaureate (Art + Design)
    Portland State University