Richard Sperry

Dr. Richard (Dick) Sperry is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering and Technology Management. He has a Ph.D. in Technology Management and a Masters in Engineering and Technology Management from Portland State, and a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the State University of New York. He is certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as a Project Management Professional (PMP) with more than 25 years in Project and Functional Management. 

Dr. Sperry is president of Sperry Management Consulting Corporation, a leading consulting and research firm in project management, quality assurance, stakeholder analysis, and risk management. His company provides quality assurance oversight and risk assessment for large, high-risk information technology projects for state governments. He is a published author, and his current research is in the understanding of the challenges in adaptive project management for organizations with high levels of innovation and developing a novel stakeholder analysis methodology using fuzzy cognitive mapping to capture and model stakeholder views systematically.

Research Interests & Expertise

  • Project Management
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