Qing Hu

Qing Hu

Marilyn and Gerry Cameron Dean

Business, The School of

KMC 320K
(503) 725-5501

Dr. Qing Hu is the Marilyn and Gerry Cameron Dean of the School of Business and Professor of Business Technology and Analytics at Portland State University. As the Chief Academic Officer of the business school, Dr. Hu leads its strategic planning and accreditation, partnerships with community and industry, continuous improvement of academic programs, faculty research, and student learning, and spearheads strategic initiatives on student success, institutional growth, and impact on economic development of local communities. Before joining Portland State University in 2024, Dr. Hu served as Dean of the Koppelman School of Business at Brooklyn College, Senior Associate for Academic Affairs of the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, both at the City University of New York (CUNY). Prior to CUNY, Dr. Hu served as Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Research, Chair of Supply Chain and Information Systems Department, and held the title of Union Pacific Professor in Information Systems in the Ivey College of Business at Iowa State University.

Dr. Qing Hu’s research focuses on cybersecurity and impact of IT on organizational strategy, culture, and performance. He has published over 130 research articles in academic journals, conferences, and books, and has been an invited speaker at universities and academic conferences around the world. His work has been cited over 14,700 times, and has an h-index of 46. Dr. Hu is ranked as one of the top 100 information systems scholars in the world, according to Google Scholar. He won the Citation of Excellence Award twice (2011 and 2014) from Emerald Group Publishing as an author of one of the top 35 articles in Management, Business, and Economics in 2005-2009. His academic work has been published in premier academic journals including MIS Quarterly,
Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, California Management Review, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Dr. Qing Hu has been a leading scholar in the world on sociotechnical cybersecurity research. His study on computer hackers has been downloaded more than 36,740 times since its publication in the Communications of the ACM in 2013. His research on insider threats to organizational digital assets has been frequently cited by academics and reported in the news media. His recent publication about human decision making in the context of corporate computer crimes using neuroscience tools and theories received broad coverage in online and print media, including Science Daily.

Dr. Qing Hu is also an expert on Chinese culture, business, and government. He has developed a number of dual/double degree programs with top quality Chinese universities at undergraduate and graduate levels. He has extensive knowledge of and professional network in Chinese industry and business, and has helped American companies establish their Chinese operations and develop their Chinese market. He has interviewed hundreds of mid to high level managers in Chinese companies, as well as dozens of entrepreneurs in China and published multiple case studies on Chinese business strategies, enterprise systems, supply chain management, and entrepreneurship. Dr. Qing Hu earned his MS and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Information Systems from the University of Miami in the US, and his BE and ME in Mechanical Engineering from Lanzhou University of Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Machinery Science and Technology in China. He had been a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) and Software Engineer (MCSE). He has been a principal investigator on multiple research grants on information security, enterprise systems, and big data from the US Department of Defense and China National Science Foundation. He frequently serves as an expert panelist for the US

National Science Foundation and China National Science Foundation on information technology and cybersecurity related subjects.

  • Ph.D.
    University of Miami
  • M.S.
    University of Miami