Moti Hara

Associate Professor

Educational Leadership and Policy - College of Education

VBX 412B
(503) 725-9903

Moti Hara, PhD, is an associate professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Department. His PhD is in advanced quantitative methods from UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. His main areas of research interest include the thoughtful and thorough application of advanced statistical methods particularly in the analysis of longitudinal data, multi-site evaluation studies, and application of Bayesian statistics.

Prior to coming to PSU, Hara completed his NIDA/NIH-funded predoctoral research fellowship with UCLA’s Integrated Substance Abuse Programs (ISAP). During his two years at ISAP, he actively collaborated with members of its statistics core on methodological applications within the context of substance abuse research. Earlier in his graduate training, Hara spent four years at the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST), where he worked on analyses of large-scale assessment data from urban school districts.

Current research activities include an in-depth analysis of Oregon public schools that are successfully closing the gaps in student outcomes. In particular, the Equity Research Partnerships established with local school districts aim to understand the extent to which individual schools employ equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive pedagogy & practices.

Current role: Associate Professor (Tenured), Educational Leadership & Policy; Director of Research, College of Education

Research areas: Equity and social justice through education, quantitative research methods (longitudinal data analysis, multi-site evaluation studies, and application of Bayesian Statistics).


  • ELP511 Principles of Educational Research and Data Analysis I
  • ED662  Quantitative Research Methods I
  • ED610A Quantitative Research Methods II
  • ED610B Quantitative Research Methods III
Professor Moti Hara