Photo of Flagship Student Headshot

Liana Kurguzov

PSU Russian Flagship Alumni

Certification: Language Flagship Certified Global Professional with Distinction

Honors and Awards: Phi Sigma Iota Awards (2010); Russian Overseas Flagship (2012-2013)

International Internship:
St. Petersburg International Business Association for North-Western Russia

What do you plan to do with your fluency in Russian?
After completing my studies at PSU, I am looking forward to finishing my Russian Flagship studies in St. Petersburg and afterward working in a company with international prospects preferably something in the federal government.

What attracted you to RFP?
It is a program focused on proficiency levels and not just teaching the Russian language. I know that to use a language in your career takes much more than just knowing how to speak and write, and in the RFP we learn how to use the Russian language professionally.

What’s the best aspect of being in RFP?
I really like being part of the Flagship Program because we have a rigorous program where we are held up to high standards and expectations. I feel rewarded and really see myself making progress.

Why is fluency in Russian important to you?
First of all, it is part of my heritage, and I want to hold onto that. Next, I want to do something with Russia and the Russian language in my career.

Flagship student presents project
  • BA Russian (2018)
  • Advanced Proficiency in Russian Certificate (2018)