Dr. Gilbert Montcho

Gilbert Montcho

Research Scholar

College of Urban and Public Affairs

(503) 725-6751

Gilbert Montcho is a Research Scholar and Post Doctorate Fellow with the Population Research Center, providing technical support to the Center’s Population Estimate Program. Dr. Montcho holds a PhD in Demography from the Université de Montréal, specializing in labor and demographic economics. Currently, he is engaged in a House Bill Project (HB 4077) focusing on the development of a social vulnerability mapping dashboard for the State of Oregon. This innovative tool enables stakeholders to identify vulnerable areas necessitating targeted policy interventions and facilitates the exploration and customization of existing indexes and social indicators statewide. Montcho’s research explores the intricate connections between labor market dynamics, population aging, individual behaviors, and immigration. He has written numerous papers covering diverse topics such as gender-specific analyses of work-life duration, the contributions of immigrants and natives to the overall labor supply and public finances, and investigations into underemployment patterns in both Canada and the USA.