Gabe Steoships

Gabe Steoships

CTR Co-Facilitator and Co-Instructor

Center for Public Service - School of Government

Gabe is Cayuse and Walla Walla, an enrolled citizen of Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Gabe has worked for the past twenty years on behalf of the advocacy, protection and restoration of Indigenous First Food resources, through the fields of education, sustainability, fisheries science, environmental restoration, and landscape reclamation. This work has positively influenced Tribes, federal, state, academic and non-profit organizations. Gabe is the Executive Director of the Friends of Tryon Creek, where he leads efforts focused on community building, environmental stewardship, education, and protection of natural ecosystems.

Gabe serves as the Board President for the Tributaries Network, Co-Chair for the Nesika Wilamut organization, and on the board of the Center for Diversity & the Environment and Freshwaters Illustrated. For the past six years, Gabe has taught at both Portland State University and Heritage University, within courses set in the Indigenous Nations Studies Program, Environmental Science and Management, and University Studies departments. Gabe has an MSc in Fisheries Biology from Oregon State University.