Andrew Tolmach

Andrew Tolmach


Computer Science - Engineering & Computer Science, Maseeh College of

FAB PL120-23
(503) 725-5492

Dr. Andrew Tolmach is a Professor of Computer Science in the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science at Portland State University. Dr. Tolmach's research interests are in programming languages, verification, compilers, tools, and applications. He currently focuses on high-assurance software environments, including hardware-assisted security monitoring. Dr. Tolmach's past publications, mostly about functional languages, include work on debugger implementation, garbage collection, domain-specific language workbenches, compilation, integration with logic languages, and lazy functional algorithms. He teach courses in programming languages, compilers, semantics, and theorem proving. His is a member of the ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN). Dr. Tolmach received his A.B. in Mathematics from Harvard University and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University. 

Research Interests and Expertise

  • Programming languages
  • Formal verification

Courses Taught

Research Archives

  • Ph.D. Computer Science, 1992
    Princeton University
  • M.S. Computer Science, 1989
    Princeton University
  • A.B. Mathematics, 1981
    Harvard University