picture of amy ly

Amy Ly

MURP Student

Urban Studies & Planning - Urban & Public Affairs

Pronouns: She/her

Focus of study: Environmental Planning/Environmental Justice

Year started in program: 2021


I wanted to go into Urban Planning to really transform cities in an equitable way. As zip code is a large determinant for life expectancy, it's important to me that communities that have lower life expectancies are able to change for the better. I have always been interested in learning about the environment and when I took a class on environmental racism, everything clicked for me. I knew that was the path I meant to go towards. When I'm not studying or working, I'm probably in the pool. I am the head coach for PSU's Club Water Polo and I love every minute of it. I love teaching others and seeing people grow in their skills and knowledge.

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  • Bachelor's in Urban Studies and Planning, UC San Diego, 2020