Brian Elliott

Brian Elliott

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Philosophy - Liberal Arts & Sciences

CH 241P
(503) 725-2689

Brian Elliott has taught third-level philosophy continuously since 1998, initially at the University of Edinburgh and University College Dublin, before moving to Oregon in 2008. He has held a full-time faculty position at Portland State University since 2010. Building on a foundation in modern and contemporary European thought in the phenomenological tradition, Elliott's research and publishing profile has branched out to encompass architecture and urbanism, literature and culture, and political theory. He is the author of numerous articles and seven monographs in these areas. His most recent books, to be published in 2021, are The Roots of Populism: Neoliberalism and Working-Class Lives (with Manchester University Press) and Landscape and Labour: Work, Place and the Working Class in Eliot, Hardy, and Lawrence (with Rowman & Littlefield).


  • Doctorate in Philosophy, English, and German
    University of Freiburg
  • Masters in Philosophy
    University of Edinburgh