Our Economic Impact


Serving the city

PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY is a key driver of economic and social impact in the Portland region. The university bolsters talent by training the future workforce, addresses pressing problems by conducting innovative research and supports the city by building partnerships between PSU and communities within the metropolitan area.

Two people talking in factory

A skilled workforce for Oregon 

The majority of PSU graduates find employment in Oregon. They serve the city with their experience and skills and influence sectors ranging from health care to education to technology.

  • 81% of PSU bachelor’s degree graduates are employed in Oregon one year post graduation (compared to 71% across all Oregon public institutions).
  • In the second year post graduation, PSU bachelor’s degree graduates earned at least a 25% increase in wages. 
  • Five years after graduation, PSU alumni who graduated with a bachelor’s degree earned at least a 65% increase in wages. 
  • The university awards more than 5,500 degrees annually.
  • PSU educates more Oregon K-12 teachers than any state university.
  • PSU trains 50 percent of practicing social workers in Oregon.
  • PSU has more than 1,200 alumni working for Intel.
person working on robotics

Discoveries that transform the region

As Oregon’s urban research university, PSU conducts research that supports the region's goals, including those related to climate change, semiconductors, transportation and houselessness. 

  • University researchers produced 126 unique active patent licenses and 29 licensed products in FY2023, illustrating the steady flow of innovative ideas emerging from PSU’s research activities.
  • PSU’s Center for Entrepreneurship has helped launch 40 student-initiated companies since 2018.
  • PSU’s Business Accelerator has hosted 44 companies since 2018, and serves as a training hub for students and local entrepreneurs.
Vernier Science Center Rendering

Dedicated to revitalizing the city

As the city’s most active real estate developer, PSU plays an important role in reimagining and revitalizing downtown to bring more vitality, accessibility and joy to all residents. 

  • Capital spending creates hundreds of jobs and contributes more than $42 million in economic impact. 
  • Student and visitor spending supports local businesses, and generates more than $185 million in economic impact.
  • PSU contributed an estimated $253 million in tax revenues, including nearly $94 million to Oregon’s state and local governments. 
  • PSU’s 49-acre campus provides the community with parks, plazas, recreation fields, community gardens and greenspaces.
  • 200 capstone courses engage approximately 4,000 students with community organizations and businesses. 
view of Portland

PSU Economic Impact Study

In 2024, PSU engaged the Northwest Economic Research Center (NERC) to measure the economic contribution of the economic impact of PSU in the city and region.