Week of events honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. includes campus speaker Daymond Glenn

 This January, Portland State and other local organizations are hosting multiple events honoring the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and exploring the current state of Black activism in Oregon and across the United States.

The main campus event is a talk by scholar, pastor, author and PSU alumnus Dr. Daymond Glenn (left) about reimagining diversity work in higher education. 

All events are open to the public, although some require pre-registration. 

2020 United Way MLK Weekend of Service

For people looking to volunteer as a way to honor Dr. King, the United Way and Hands On Greater Portland have organized dozens of volunteer service projects over MLK weekend. From serving meals and cleaning up parks to removing invasive species and weatherizing homes, there’s a project for everyone.  

Event details:
2020 United Way MLK Weekend of Service
Friday, Jan. 17, 2020 through Monday, Jan. 20, 2020
Service projects available in Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas, and Clark Counties

The 6th Annual Children's March for Social Justice

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Children’s Art and Social Justice Council, Don’t Shoot Portland and other partner organizations will hold a rally and march for human rights and dignity in honor of Dr. King. 

Food and clothing donations for local families will be collected at the march.

Event details: 
6th Annual Children's March for Social Justice
Monday, Jan. 20, 2020
Marchers meet at Peninsula Park (700 N Rosa Parks Way) at noon and begin marching at 1 p.m. 

Living the Legacy: Activism through Education in the New Decade 

PSU's Office of Global Diversity & Inclusion 2020 MLK Tribute event will feature scholar, pastor, author and PSU alumnus Dr. Daymond Glenn. Glenn will speak about reimagining diversity work in higher education to transform systems, structures and institutional culture on Jan. 22.

Glenn is the founder and senior pastor of the Cultural Soul Project, a new church in Portland. His ministry focuses on the intersections of race, faith, hip-hop and justice.

Before founding the Cultural Soul Project, Glenn held senior level administrative and faculty positions at various colleges and universities. He also authored the book, Critical Condition: Black Males and Multiculturalism in Higher Education

Event details:
Living the Legacy: Activism through Education in the New Decade featuring Dr. Daymond Glenn
Wednesday, Jan. 22; 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
SMSU Ballroom, 1825 SW Broadway
FREE tickets available at the PSU Box Office

MLK’s Beloved Community: Exploring Black Activism, Creativity and Resilience in Portland

In observation of the MLK Day of National Service, Portland State, Portland Community College, Reed College and Oregon Campus Compact will host a day of workshops, discussions and engagement with black-led nonprofits and community interest groups dedicated to community-building and racial justice in the Portland Metro area. Students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to attend. 
Event details:
MLK’s Beloved Community: Exploring Black Activism, Creativity, and Resilience in Portland
Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Portland Community College - Cascade Campus (optional transportation provided from PSU)