We hear you: A remote spring term raises many questions

As PSU Interim President Stephen Percy announced Wednesday, Portland State will move all 2020 spring classes to remote teaching and learning for the entire term in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We understand that this change is unprecedented and raises questions for students, faculty, staff, families and members of our community. 

University leaders are working to answer those questions — including adjustments to student fees, resources for faculty transitioning their classes to a remote format, options for students with on-campus housing, long-term remote work and pay for employees. 

We ask for your patience as we work to determine answers to all of these concerns. We also are in conversation with other public universities across the state and with Gov. Brown’s office to inform and align our decisions with our Oregon partners. 

Please continue to use the Coronavirus Response website as a resource during this time. Many of your questions are addressed in the FAQs, which are being updated daily. We’re working to organize the large amount of information so that it is easy to navigate. 

University Communications is compiling a guide to remote learning for students that will be available online on Monday. Provost Susan Jeffords is sending out detailed information to PSU faculty and staff today and you will also hear more from President Percy on Friday. 

If you have a question that you haven’t seen addressed, please send it to coronavirusresponse@pdx.edu.