Student transaction offices moving to trailers during Neuberger construction

Neuberger Hall, home to the Registrar’s office, Student Financial Services, Student Financial Aid and other offices important to students, will close for renovation at the end of fall term. Those offices will move to trailers that will be set up on a lot south of Shattuck Hall.

The trailers are where students will go to pay their bills and conduct other transactions, starting with winter term and continuing until Neuberger reopens in the fall of 2019. 

Signs will be set up to direct students to those trailers, said Jason Franklin, director of Campus Planning and Design.

Staff with offices currently in Neuberger will move to East Hall. Academic offices will move to various locations on campus: Math to East Hall; World Languages and English to Stratford Residence Hall at SW 10th and Market; Conflict Resolution to the Market Center Building; and Philosophy to the Market Center Building and the Fourth Avenue Building.

The $70 million renovation of the 60-year-old building will include a complete redesign of the first floor, where student services are located. It will also include a new lobby on the Park Blocks side, a light well that will bring sunlight into the building right down to the basement, a new façade on the west side, and many energy upgrades. It also will feature an art museum, thanks to a $5 million donation from the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation.