Student leaders urge PSU to vote


Student Activities and Leadership Programs urges the PSU community: VOTE!

If you are eligible and registered to vote, please be sure to get those votes in! We need everyone’s voice to be heard and represented. Politicians are more likely to listen to groups of people who have a high voter turnout, and that includes students. 

For voters registered in Oregon, be sure your ballot is received by November 3rd at 8pm. To find information on everything to do with Oregon voting, go visit the Secretary of State's Office. For voting outside of Oregon, please visit

We doubt any of you are unsure about why you should vote, but just in case… the Vanguard has a lovely article on five reasons why voting matters. If you are unsure about what is on the ballot, you can watch the recorded presentation from ASPSU called “What’s On Your Ballot”, click here to access.