Statement from Public University Presidents on Governor Brown’s Proposed 2019-21 Budget

“The Governor’s budget provides a stark choice for the legislature and the people of Oregon: either force universities to make cuts to academic and student support programs while also raising tuition by double-digits or make college more affordable and accessible through balanced revenue reform and meaningful cost control in areas like retirement and health care.   

Even as campuses continue to find cost efficiencies wherever possible, without additional resources for public universities, students will face onerous double-digit tuition hikes and cuts to the types of services and aid they need to reduce debt, graduate, and find a job. This is not an acceptable outcome for Oregon. Public universities are committed to working with the Governor and the Legislature to find solutions that expand opportunities for students instead of limiting them.

It is time to stop relying on students and their families to shoulder our economic challenges. It is time to invest in Oregon.”

President Thomas A. Insko
Eastern Oregon University

President Ed Ray
Oregon State University

President Nagi Naganathan
Oregon Institute of Technology

President Linda Schott
Southern Oregon University

President Rahmat Shoureshi
Portland State University

President Rex Fuller
Western Oregon University

President Michael Schill
University of Oregon