Statement from Portland State University President Wim Wiewel

January 28, 2017

Statement from Portland State University President Wim Wiewel

We are dismayed about the impact of the executive order signed by the president denying entrance to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim nations. Portland State currently educates more than 1,900 international students, including 76 from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria that are part of the ban. Most of them are graduate students. The order has a chilling effect not only on these students but on our Muslim students and all international students.

Young people from across the world have come to universities in the United States for decades because our higher education system is a global leader in providing educational opportunities. At PSU, our international students provide cultural and academic contributions that are integral to our mission and enrich the campus life of Oregon and domestic students.

As I said in declaring PSU a sanctuary campus, we have a responsibility to do all we can to make all of our students feel safe and supported regardless of their religion, national origin or immigration status.

We are working with our students from these five nations to help them navigate this executive order.