Rising to the challenge

Rising to the challenge

Overnight, the world has changed. And with it, all of us.

But PSU has always been resilient. When the floodwaters rose on our first college campus, our hope stayed intact and our spirit endured. Today another great challenge is upon us, and we will again rise to the occasion —together. 

To help support students and advance its vital mission right now, Portland State has established the PSU Resilience Fund. This flexible giving opportunity will help provide essential support where it is needed most across campus. The fund is primarily intended to support students grappling with unprecedented challenges, and also to support remote teaching and learning. Already, our donor and alumni community are responding. President Percy will soon announce how the first contributions will be spent.

Students, are you looking for answers to questions about PSU's coronavirus response and resources available to you? Here is a useful roundup.  

Learn more about PSU's coronavirus response: pdx.edu/coronavirus-response