Reaction to political violence in Washington and Salem

Dear Campus Community, 

Today, the cautious optimism of the New Year has been disrupted by the shocking events in Washington, D.C. and in Salem. The actions we are seeing are deeply unsettling and frightening. Portland State rejects violence, supports free and fair elections and, most of all, cares for each other. 

For many in our campus community, today’s events serve as a reminder that our identities shape how we are treated by society. Against the backdrop of nine months of protests for racial justice, today’s attack on democracy and the response is jarring and frightening to so many of us, particularly those have been marginalized and are demanding justice and equity.

You, our students, staff and faculty, are top of mind during this challenging time. I urge you to take care of yourselves and one another as we watch events unfold before our eyes in real time. Support is available for those who need it, through the Center for Student Health & Counseling (SHAC) or the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). 

We are reminded again of the fragility of democracy and the fact that we cannot be complacent. The complexity and magnitude of the work that lies ahead feels overwhelming at times, but we will continue to take steps to ensure that our future is one that is just and equitable.


Stephen Percy 
PSU President