PSU’s Simon Benson event raises more than $1 million for students

Portland State University’s signature fund-raising event, the Simon Benson Awards Dinner, drew more than 1,600 people to the Oregon Convention Center on  Thursday and raised more than $1 million for scholarships and other student support.

PSU honored philanthropists Keren Brown Wilson and Michael DeShane and alumnus Tom Fink for their years of public service and scholarship support for PSU students. The annual event is organized by the PSU Foundation and has raised more than $9 million for PSU since it began in 1999 to honor the memory of Portland’s pioneering philanthropist and timber baron Simon Benson.

The evening included an announcement that the PSU Foundation has created a Presidential Scholars Program for Equal Access Scholarships, a permanent endowment to honor President Wim Wiewel’s long-time commitment to help students with financial need.

“Providing opportunities has been my No. 1 goal, and I’m grateful to the donors who are creating this fund,” said Wiewel, who will step down next summer after nine years leading Portland State. He plans to remain in Oregon, return as a part-time faculty member and continue his advocacy for PSU.     

Two current scholarship students also spoke at the dinner, thanking attendees for their support that has enable them not only to be the first in their families to attend college but to thrive at PSU.

Alexandra Van, a senior sociology major, recounted how she grew up amid violence and chaos at home and struggled to graduate high school. A scholarship founded by Tom and Marilyn Fink enabled her to attend PSU, where she is immersed in the School of Social Work with plans to obtain a master’s degree so she can help young people overcome the kind of family and poverty hardships that she faced.

Jean-Luc Toku, a sophomore business major, immigrated to the United States at age 6 from West Africa with no knowledge of English. Today, thanks to a Roslyn Farrington Scholarship, he is studying finance and marketing and is an accomplished longer jumper on PSU’s track team.    

Keren Wilson and her husband Michael DeShane, who both earned doctoral degrees at PSU, have devoted their lives to help people with limited means age with dignity through assisted living alternatives to nursing homes and other programs. They also have a legacy of funding scholarships and providing student support.      

Tom Fink, who graduated with an economic degree at PSU as the first in his family to attend college, has also given back to PSU with scholarships and many years of active alumni leadership. Fink told the crowd that education not only transformed his life and the lives of his family members but needs to be society’s most cherished value in creating opportunities for future generations.   

The evening, which was hosted by KATU-TV anchor Steve Dunn, ended with a comedy routine from former “Tonight” host Jay Leno, who made a point of equal-time riffs jabbing both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump with only a few days until the presidential election.

For more information on the PSU Foundation, visit