PSU’s Nonprofit Institute awarded grant from Meyer Memorial Trust

Portland State University’s Nonprofit Institute (NPI) was recently awarded $133,604 from Meyer Memorial Trust’s Building Community portfolio. The grant will fund a two-year program allowing NPI to build the capacity of nonprofits to understand and use data when applying an equity lens to their work through a ‘data dashboard’ and other data literacy tools built in collaboration with select Oregon nonprofits that serve priority populations.

"The Nonprofit Institute has long been an important resource for nonprofits in Oregon," said Carol Cheney, Building Community Leadership Development program officer at Meyer Memorial Trust. "Meyer recognizes that data literacy and accessible data collection methods are important tools to better understand the state's growing diversity and advance equity."​

The 2016 Northwest Nonprofit Capacity Report strongly suggests that nonprofits struggle with program evaluation and data in decision-making. NPI aims to be a “knowledge-bank” of data from research conducted by the Institute as well as scholarship generated by others. Through collaboration with Oregon nonprofits, NPI is a hub for generating new ideas, facilitating discussions, and bringing the nonprofit community together to share knowledge, reflect on best practices and build partnerships.

“With this grant, The Nonprofit Institute is excited to expand its role supporting nonprofits in our community to tell their stories of impact and social change in compelling new ways using the power of data,” said Dr. Billie Sandberg, Director of The Nonprofit Institute at PSU. “We are honored to partner with Meyer Memorial Trust in helping to create new avenues for building a more just, sustainable, and equitable Oregon.”

About NPI:

Housed within PSU’s College of Urban and Public Affairs under the Hatfield School of Government’s Center for Public Service, The Nonprofit Institute (NPI) is a multi-disciplinary institute that brings together the expertise of civic minded experts from across the PSU campus.  By leveraging the expertise of PSU’s academic faculty, graduate students, staff and community partners, NPI serves nonprofit professionals, organizations, capacity-builders and funders with a wide variety of resources, such as professional development, organizational assessments, research, education and partnerships.

About Meyer Memorial Trust:

Meyer Memorial Trust (MMT) was created by the late Fred G. Meyer, founder of a chain of retail stores bearing his name throughout the Pacific Northwest. Established in 1982, Meyer has awarded roughly $700 million in grants and program-related investments to more than 3,200 organizations in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Since 2016, MMT has focused their grantmaking on ensuring a more flourishing and equitable Oregon.