PSU moves spring term to all remote learning

Dear campus community, 

The coronavirus has prompted a new day-to-day reality for all of us. 

After careful consideration, Portland State University has made the decision that all classes during the 2020 spring term will be taught remotely. 

We have heard increasing concerns from students, faculty and staff about the uncertainty clouding the spring quarter that begins March 30. We know you’re trying to plan your lives as things around you keep changing. Rather than start the term with lingering questions, we are committed to devoting all of PSU's resources and tools to sustain high-quality academic learning in this time of challenge.

Together, we can help stop the spread of COVID-19. At the same time, we want to provide you with flexibility to continue your academic journey while protecting your health, caring for your loved ones and maintaining your work life. We also recognize that Gov. Brown’s announcement that public schools will be closed at least through late April presents an added challenge to many families. 

What will remote instruction look like? The full answer to that question will be co-created with all of you in the weeks to come. We will be producing a detailed guide for students on the homepage next week. Provost Susan Jeffords and the deans are working with department chairs and faculty on strategies for effective remote learning in the spring term.  

I understand that remote learning is a new term for many of us. Remote Instruction describes the strategy of moving content designed for face-to-face instruction to a digital format. No extra fees will be charged for remote courses. Fully online courses will also be available spring term. In contrast, these courses were designed to be taught online and carry an online course fee. 

Our message is this: We’re all in this together. The coronavirus is an immense challenge, but it also presents an opportunity to be innovative and creative in our approach to education. Many other universities in Oregon and across the nation are transitioning to remote courses because of the virus threat. PSU is well positioned to be a leader with the tools and capabilities that our Office of Academic Innovation and the Office of Information Technology are developing to ensure that everyone can be successful in a virtual campus environment. 

I want to assure you that we will continue to provide primary campus resources and services to students. Here are some updates:

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid student service counters in Fariborz Maseeh Hall are closed but Financial Aid counselors are still working. If you have an appointment, expect an email with instructions on how to connect. Send questions or requests for an appointment to


In-person service at the Office of the Registrar is suspended, you can send email requests for services as outlined on the registration website. There will be no change in how students register for classes for spring term. 

Student Health and Counseling 

PSU’s Center for Student Health and Counseling is open with the following service adjustments:

  • Health Services: Students should call ahead before coming to SHAC. 
  • Counseling Services: Some staffing is available for walk-in emergencies with all other clinical work being conducted via phone.
  • Dental Services: In response to recommendation from the Oregon Dental Board, all routine appointments are canceled. Call ahead if you require emergency dental services. 
  • Testing: Routine testing services are temporarily unavailable. 
  • Administrative Services: Billing and insurance services are operating remotely. 
  • Telehealth: SHAC is laying the groundwork to begin offering telehealth services and remote health education programs starting in spring term.

Housing and Food Services

PSU Housing and Residence Life, including food service, remains open on campus with some reduced services. Send inquiries to  

As always, know that PSU will keep you informed to the best of our ability during these challenging times. Please visit the Coronavirus Response website for updated FAQs and continue to send questions to

Thank you,

Stephen Percy
Interim President
Portland State University