PSU honors students gain top recognition for academics

Five PSU University Honors College undergraduate students recently received national and international recognition for their academic research and publications.

  • Honors student Sonia Bosch had her article, "Behind the Gavel and Under the Robe: Gender Performance in the Courthouse," accepted for publication in the Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity.
  • Honors student Christina Ebersohl was named the United States and Canada regional winner in the music, film and theater category of the Undergraduate Awards, an international awards program housed in Ireland which recognizes top undergraduate work across a variety of academic disciplines. She also earned a high commendation from the same organization for her research paper entitled “La Koro Sutro: Syncretism and Universality Through Esperanto,” which was advised by Jelena Simonovic-Schiff, adjunct faculty in music in the School of the Arts. Ebersohl’s major is viola performance.
  • Honors student Lily Hart also earned two high commendations from the international Undergraduate Awards. One high commendation was awarded for "Political Activism Through Words: Syrian and Lebanese Americans During the Great War, 1914-1919" which was completed during a history 491/492 class with Laura Robson, associate professor of history in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The other high commendation was awarded for "Racial Ideas of ‘Stupendous Antiquities’: Native American Mounds and Anglo-Americans from the Seventeenth to Twentieth Century," a shorter version of her honors thesis, which is being advised by Tim Garrison, professor of history in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  • Honors student Elizabeth Hendrickson's manuscript entitled "Density dependent pollination and germination in the patchy vernal pool species Lasthenia californica" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Plant Sciences, a leading, peer-reviewed journal in the fields of plant biology, ecology and evolution.
  • Honors student Juliana Robidoux was invited to present “Cycles of Displacement: The Ethiopian Diaspora and Placemaking in North Portland” at the Royal Geography Society’s 2018 conference on refugee and immigrant resettlement at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom.

PSU’s University Honors College is the only urban-focused honors college in the country. In this liberal arts college within PSU, approximately 850 highly motivated students navigate an academically intense curriculum through the lens of the culturally rich, ever-evolving city of Portland.

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