PSU hires new Director of Financial Aid

Eli Herr

Portland State University announced today the hire of Elijah Herr to oversee the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, a role that directs the administration and compliance of $220 million in federal, state, and institutional aid and scholarships each year. 

Eli Herr has been working in financial aid since 2011 and has held a variety of roles in the financial aid office, including acting financial aid director at Portland Community College. Most recently, he was the Director of Financial Aid at Lane Community College, where he overhauled several critical functions.

Herr holds a BA in Political Economy from UC Berkeley, an MSc from the London School of Economics, and is currently working on his PhD from PSU. He is a fan of big data research projects, bad science fiction and improving customer services models. 

As Director of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, Herr will work in Enrollment Management and report to Associate Vice President for Student Finances, Amanda Bierbrauer.