PSU expands testing for lead in drinking water on campus

Portland State has expanded its periodic monitoring of water safety on campus to make lead tests more regular and frequent, including checks this summer of all dining and residence halls built before 1990.

Heather Randol, PSU’s director of Environmental Health & Safety, said she does not expect to find a widespread lead problem on campus, based on past results.

Samples taken in the past year showed lead levels well under the maximum federal safety standard of 15 parts per billion in most buildings, including two campus child care centers.

The exception was Cramer Hall, where six faucets had lead levels above the federal standard. When these results were received, PSU posted signs on the sinks to indicate the water was not suitable for drinking while corrections were planned and implemented.

Twenty-seven additional locations were tested throughout Cramer Hall, including departmental sinks, drinking fountains and hydration stations and had results below federal limit. 

If you have questions or concerns about drinking water or plumbing in your work area or living area on campus, please contact Environmental Health & Safety.