PSU is committed to support ‘Dreamers’

Dear students, faculty and staff,

I write today to reaffirm PSU’s commitment to our student “Dreamers” who came to Oregon as children of undocumented parents and are recognized under the federal Deferred Action for Children Arrivals (DACA) program.

At a time when the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has threatened to arrest and deport undocumented immigrants across the country, it’s important to remind the PSU community that we remain a “sanctuary” campus. What that means is we are a safe place. Our Campus Public Safety officers do not enforce federal immigration laws, we do not consent to immigration enforcement activities on campus and we protect confidential student information required by law. Local leaders also have declared Portland as a sanctuary city, making clear that Portland Police officers do not enforce immigration laws.

The DACA program, which is renewable every two years, has enabled undocumented students to attend college and work without fear of deportation. While Dreamers are not eligible for federal financial aid, they qualify for tuition equity under Oregon law (resident tuition rates) and other scholarships. Our Financial Aid staff works diligently to help them attain a PSU education.

We provide academic, cultural and social support and resources for all of our students. For Dreamers, programs include Student Legal Services, Latino Student Services, La Casa Latina Student Center, Asia and Pacific Islander Student Services and center, and other programs. Students also have organized Dream PSU under faculty advisor Dr. Oscar Fernandez. More details are on the Dreamers page and the Sanctuary page at   

In addition, we are exploring a Dreamer Center that we hope to open next academic year to support these students and better connect them with campus and community resources. You will hear more about this in the fall.

We want to do everything we can at PSU to make all of our students feel welcome and supported regardless of their national origin or immigration status. You belong at PSU.

Stephen Percy
Interim President