PSU Board of Trustees statement on campus safety

The Board of Trustees has been and continues to be deeply affected by the June 29th death of Mr. Jason Washington.  While the Portland Police Bureau’s investigation has been closed, ours is still very much open. The tragedy of Mr. Washington’s death is a moment in PSU’s history that has to be recognized. Mr. Washington’s family, the PSU community and the entire community all deserve as much information as possible.

In 2014, in considering the proposal to arm our Campus Public Safety officers, the Board mandated an oversight committee and an annual report to the Board by that committee. The committee, made up of faculty, staff and students, recommended extensive specialized training for a campus environment. 

The Board endorses President Shoureshi’s decision to conduct a thorough and independent review of PSU’s campus safety, as well as the related policies and implementation of those policies. Once completed by external campus security experts, the Board will make the report public and carefully consider its findings. 

The Board wrestled with the decision to arm campus police in 2014, and we are prepared to wrestle with it again – with open minds – to determine whether the current policy should be continued or changed.