President Shoureshi describes advantages of hiring PSU students to business leaders

Businesses that provide Portland State University students real-world work experiences will build a more skilled and diverse workforce and launch students into meaningful careers, PSU President Rahmat Shoureshi told elected officials and business leaders Wednesday.

President Shoureshi asked the audience of the Westside Economic Alliance breakfast to consider offering Cooperative Education, or extended internship positions, to PSU students. President Shoureshi and other PSU leaders are planning a Cooperative Education program where students would alternate quarters of academic learning with periods of paid work in fields related to their major and career ambitions.

In the best-case scenario, President Shoureshi said, businesses could hire the students they had already trained fresh out of college, keeping skilled employees in the Portland metro area and benefitting the regional economy.

Pacific University President Lesley Hallick joined President Shoureshi in conversation. The two discussed ways that universities, community colleges and schools could work together to encourage students to become the first in their families to attend college. Held at a Tigard hotel, the breakfast meeting drew more than 75 leaders from Washington County businesses and local governments.