Portland State University Foundation names Sarah Schwarz as incoming president

Sarah Schwarz

The Portland State University Foundation Board of Trustees today announced it has named a successor to retiring PSU Foundation President/CEO William Boldt, Ed.D. Current PSUF Executive Vice President Sarah Schwarz will step into the top job beginning June 30, 2020. Schwarz assumes the presidency at a time of significantly enhanced private giving to PSU.  

Schwarz has more than 20 years of experience in fundraising and organizational management, and a deep understanding of Oregon’s philanthropic environment. She has played a pivotal role in the recent growth of the PSU Foundation and the success of its landmark Campaign for PSU, now 90% of the way toward a $300 million goal.

“We are confident in this choice,” said PSUF Board Chair Don Vollum. “The board has had six years to closely observe Sarah’s exceptional range of leadership skills. She has the existing knowledge, relationships and vision to be effective from day one, and to grow philanthropic opportunities for Portland State University.” 

Schwarz was recruited in 2014 to lead the PSU Foundation’s planned giving efforts before swiftly rising to the roles of chief development officer and executive vice president, in which she now serves as primary fundraising strategist and key liaison to PSU’s senior leaders and volunteer boards. As chief development officer, Schwarz increased annual fundraising to more than $42 million a year.

Before joining the PSU Foundation, Schwarz was a senior gift planning officer at the Oregon Health & Science University Foundation and director of planned giving for Providence Health System Medical Foundations. She earned a B.A. in English and religion from the University of Iowa, and a J.D. from Drake Law School. 

“I commend the PSUF Board on this very smart choice,” said Boldt. “Sarah is a brilliant strategist and motivational leader who is expert in establishing positive relationships with donors and partners. She is the most talented professional I have worked with in my career, and she will ably lead the PSU Foundation into the future.”

“This is a dream come true,” said Schwarz. “I am so proud to serve alongside my colleagues and this committed board, and to help donors in our community advance Portland State’s vital mission.”  

Boldt’s planned retirement comes after a four-year stint as president during which he led strong year-over-year fundraising results, built a high-performing senior team, launched the university’s first major comprehensive campaign, and oversaw three-year growth of 45% in the university’s endowment. 
His 49-year career included 35 years in senior advancement roles with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; University of California, Riverside; California Polytechnic State University; and Cornell University. In coming months, he plans to travel, consult, and spend time with family in California, Nevada and Oregon. 

“Bill was the right leader at the right time, and I believe Sarah will be too,” said Portland State Interim President Stephen Percy. “So begins an exciting new chapter as we build philanthropic support to advance PSU’s unique and important mission.”

The PSU Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization that exists to advance Portland State University through relationship building, community connections and philanthropy — and to invest and manage gifts in accordance with donor wishes. Online at PSU Foundation and Let Knowledge Serve.