Portland State graduate programs ranked highly by U.S. News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report released the 2021 Best Graduate Schools rankings and once again several Portland State University programs received rankings.

The College of Urban and Public Affairs' Hatfield School of Government was ranked No. 49 out of 274 public affairs schools overall, moving up four positions from the year prior.

“We're very pleased that the College of Urban and Public Affairs' Hatfield School of Government, and the Local Government Management and Urban Policy programs within it, continue to get the recognition they richly deserve,” said Interim CUPA Dean Sy Adler. “The colleagues in those programs have been making and continue to make very significant public service contributions to all levels of government and to nonprofit and civic sectors.”

CUPA’s Local Government Management program ranked No. 17 and the Urban Policy program No. 18.

At the intersection of health and administration, PSU’s joint Health Care Management program from the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government and the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health ranked 46th out of 75 programs.

For the second year in a row, the Speech-Language Pathology program from the College of Liberal Arts & Science ranked No. 63 out of 261 programs nationwide.

The 2021 graduate school rankings also ranked the College of Education’s Rehabilitation Counseling program 20th out of 96 for the second year.

Rankings are based on assessments by peers and recruiters, as well as expert opinions that consider the quality of a school’s faculty, students and research.