Portland State affirms commitment to address climate change

Two students and instructor collecting data on plants on rooftop with city in background

As an institution committed to public education, research, and training, PSU’s mission is to be an agent of individual empowerment and an engine of societal change. On a daily basis our campus community of faculty, staff and students work to inspire, educate and transform society for the better. At this moment there is no single greater nor more urgent issue facing our global community than the challenge, suffering, and uncertainty posed by the worldwide threat of climate change. 

At Portland State, we are rising to address this challenge, and our community is committed to leading efforts aimed at educating the innovators of today (and tomorrow) whom our planet needs now more than ever. Our faculty, students and staff are working across disciplines and alongside community partners to study the effects of climate change and what we can do to mitigate and adapt to its impacts.

As a campus, not only do we work to enhance the sustainability of our own operations, but we work with government agencies, businesses and countless other organizations to develop practical solutions to create a more equitable, livable and resilient city, region, state and world. The threats to worldwide climate change are clear and present, and we have not been here before.

Universities most certainly cannot address this challenge in isolation, but we do have a special obligation, responsibility and accountability for galvanizing the commitment to climate action of our community, faculty and student leaders as they work to develop innovative community-based solutions that will lead us towards a sustainable future.

 — Todd Rosenstiel, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Programs, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and associate professor of biology