New PSU Graduate School of Education building ranks high for state funding

A proposed new home for Portland State University’s Graduate School of Education (GSE) took a big step forward Thursday when a state panel put it high on their list of preferred capital construction projects.

A subcommittee of Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) approved a prioritized list of 19 projects to submit to the upcoming session of the Oregon Legislature. PSU’s project is second from the top.

“At this time we have faculty and staff scattered around the campus in crowded facilities,” said Education Dean Randy Hitz. “The new facilities will provide the space we need for all units of the GSE, and all units will be together in one space. We will be able to better serve our students and the community."

The proposed new building is part of a unique collaboration among PSU, Portland Community College, the city of Portland and a non-profit education organization. All would share ownership of and space in the seven- to nine-story structure, with PSU’s Graduate School of Education occupying several floors.

The building would be located at the southwest corner of SW 4th Avenue and Montgomery Street, currently a parking lot. The lot is owned by the city, which would transfer the land to PSU.

The estimated construction cost is $103 million. Under the proposal approved by HECC, the state would provide $45 million in capital construction bonding authority, with PSU’s partners providing the rest of the matching funds.

The PSU Graduate School of Education is the largest and most comprehensive school of education in Oregon. Two years ago, it moved out of shared space with the School of Business Administration, which is now undergoing a major renovation.