Mental health resources for a tough time

We are keenly aware that this is a trying time for everyone in the PSU community. Maintaining and supporting our mental health is vital as our lives continue to be turned upside down as we collectively work to stop the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

As we look ahead to a spring term of uncharted territory, we wanted to share some resources. While we are practicing physical distancing for the sake of our community, we remain united in confronting this challenge as PSU Vikings. 

Susan Hedlund, who is faculty in the PSU School of Social Work and director of patient services at OHSU's Knight Cancer Institute, shared some helpful coping tips in this excellent webinar. Among them are: 

  • Give yourself and others some grace: we’re all experiencing stress and anxiety.
  • Focus on basic self care including getting sleep, eating healthy foods, staying physically active and remaining in touch with friends and family. 
  • Continue to do things that you enjoy and celebrate the small victories and joys in life. 

Student Health and Counseling 

The PSU Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) has moved all counseling services for spring term to a telehealth model to enable this important service available to students during this time of stress. Visit the SHAC website to get in touch and schedule an appointment. 

Employee Assistance

PSU employees may access the Employee Assistance Program online or over the phone. It’s free and confidential, video and chat options are available. 

Multnomah County

County professionals shared an engaging article this week about coping with coronavirus-related stress — covering everything from anxiety vaults to burpees — and also put together a directory of public resources for mental health

In the spirit of celebrating small victories, we are proud of the members of our faculty who are on the front lines helping our broader community understand and respond to the coronavirus crisis. The OHSU-PSU School of Public Health Dr. Dean David Bangsberg is advising the Oregon Health Authority’s response as chair of the Oregon Health Policy Board

Faculty members are sharing their expertise with local and national media. A few examples: 

Donated supplies

And, finally, thank you Sarah Bartlett and the team from PSU’s research departments helping keep local health care workers safe by donating more than 1,000 boxes of gloves, hundreds of respirator masks, sterile cotton swabs, hand sanitizer, goggles and other personal protective equipment to local hospitals.