Inside Higher Ed: Portland State Offers Free Tuition for Oregonians

Portland State University announced a new program that will debut next year that provides four years of free tuition and fees for some in-state freshmen.

The Four Years Free program will debut in fall 2017 and go to students who have a 3.4 high school grade point average and apply for federal student aid. Students must also be eligible for the federal Pell Grant and accept other federal and state grants. The program would cover tuition and fees up to 15 credits per semester, which is estimated to save students $8,400 a year.

For a student who receives the maximum Pell award, as well as the state's Opportunity Grant, the difference would cost the university about $270 a student. However, if a student doesn't receive the maximum state or federal grants, PSU will cover the difference. This fall, about 12,550 PSU students were awarded Pell Grants.

"There are so many costs associated with going to college," said Shannon Carr, Portland State's executive director of admissions and new student programs, in a news release. "We want to make it more affordable and attainable for Oregon residents."

Those students who receive the Four Years Free award can continue in the program as long as they maintain a 2.0 GPA and remain eligible for the Pell Grant. The program is only available to full-time Portland State students, but not those students who were co-admitted to a community college.