Governor’s order confirms continued remote operations through June 13

Last week, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown issued an executive order that extends the suspension of in-person educational activities at all of the state’s higher education institutions through June 13. 

PSU has already announced plans to deliver both spring and summer term education via remote learning in a move to support public health efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19. This new order also requires that PSU continue to limit on-campus activity to critical operations only through June 13. No in-person events or meetings will take place on campus during this time. 

This remains a challenging time for all of us and we appreciate the spirit with which the PSU community has continued to adapt. We will continue to monitor guidance from public health officials and the governor’s office and will keep you apprised of any changes and plans for reopening campus. 

Detailed information about PSU's response to coronavirus is available at PSU's Coronavirus Response page.. Please continue to send specific questions to