All-gender restrooms won't change at PSU

This week the White House rescinded recommendations the Obama administration sent to schools nationwide to provide gender-inclusive facilities and not regulate the restrooms students use. The new directive gives states the right to make their own determinations on the issue. The state of Oregon has demonstrated its commitment to providing gender inclusive facilities. Portland State University has a long history of continuously working to ensure all students feel welcomed on our campus, including our trans and gender non-conforming students.

Last year, when the federal government first issued those recommendations, PSU had already implemented many of them. Since then, the university has continued to increase the number of all-gender restrooms on campus intended to offer safe, accessible and convenient facilities for everyone, including all gender identities and expressions and people with attendants, caregivers, or children of a different gender. 

PSU has a total of 61 all-gender restrooms in 23 buildings with more to come — including a multi-stall restroom in the Fourth Avenue Building set to open in late February and others in the Karl Miller Center and Viking Pavilion, which are both currently undergoing renovations.