Broadway entrance of NASCC

Indigenous, Native American, First Nations, and Alaska Native Student Community & Resources

As part of our mission to lead the way to an equitable and sustainable future through academic excellence, urban engagement and expanding opportunity for all, Portland State University seeks to provide information and resources for Native students to pursue their education at Oregon’s most diverse urban research university.

Through community, programs, services, and initiatives, we are working to provide a welcoming and supportive campus for Indigenous, Native American, First Nations, and Alaska Native students. The Portland area is home to one of the largest urban Native American populations in the nation, 40,000 strong. Beyond our campus we encourage you to get involved with the local community and resources including the Native American Youth & Family Center, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, American Indian Science & Engineering Society Region 1 Chapter, Northwest Native American Center of Excellence, and the Native American Rehabilitation Association. We are growing our Native American student body, and Native American students made up 4% of our first-year class in fall 2021.

Mt. Hood

Land Acknowledgement

A land acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. PSU presents a land acknowledgement at many of our events and meetings to offer recognition and respect, to acknowledge the people whose traditional and ancestral homelands we stand on, broaden awareness of the history that has led to this moment, and inspire ongoing action and relationships.


Portland State University is located in the heart of downtown Portland, Oregon in Multnomah County. We honor the Indigenous people whose traditional and ancestral homelands we stand on, the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tumwater, Watlala bands of the Chinook, the Tualatin Kalapuya and many other indigenous nations of the Columbia River. It is important to acknowledge the ancestors of this place and to recognize that we are here because of the sacrifices forced upon them. In remembering these communities, we honor their legacy, their lives, and their descendants.

Admissions & Funding

  • Application Fee Waiver for Eligible Students: Undergraduate applicants may be eligible for a waiver of their $60 admission application fee. Eligible students can select the fee waiver on their admissions application. 
  • Enrolled Members of Tribes with Ties to Oregon: Students who are enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe can be eligible to pay the equivalent of resident (in-state) tuition regardless of their state of residence.
  • Native American or Alaska Native Oregon High School Graduates: A Native American (member of federally recognized Native American Tribe or Band), or Alaska Native (Yupik, Aleut, or other Alaska Native), who has: Completed grade 12 and received a diploma (in accordance with ORS 329.451) in an Oregon High School is eligible for resident (in-state) tuition at Portland State University.
  • Enrolled Members of one of the nine federally recognized Tribes in Oregon: Eligible students receive both in-state tuition at PSU and the Oregon Opportunity Grant, even if the student does not live in the state of Oregon. Students may, alternatively, be eligible for the Oregon Tribal Student Grant which covers cost of attendance.
  • Native American Tuition Program: Undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate students who are enrolled members of any one of the U.S. Federally Recognized Tribes will pay the equivalent of resident (in-state) tuition regardless of state or country of residence.


  • Oregon Tribal Grant: The Oregon Tribal Student Grant covers cost of attendance for eligible students. Cost of attendance includes tuition and fees, housing and meals, books, supplies, transportation, miscellaneous expenses, and reasonable costs for eligible study-abroad programs. This program is funded for the 2022-2023 academic year and available to incoming and continuing students at Oregon public universities.
  • PSU NATIONS (Navigating Access to Indigenous Opportunities through Networking and Support): Provides support and a $3,000 scholarship to Native American (N.A.), Alaskan Native (A.N.) and Indigenous students so that you can be successful in school.
  • PSU President’s Equal Access Scholarship: A scholarship that supports students from diverse backgrounds and experiences, including racial and ethnic backgrounds, that are traditionally underrepresented in higher education.
  • PSU EAGLES Scholarship: Need- and merit-based awards that support underrepresented students in STEM.
  • NAYA Scholarship (Native American Youth and Family Center): This $10,000 scholarship is offered through a partnership with the NAYA non-profit organization. Any student who has used their services can apply for the scholarship.

Student Organizations

The Native American Student & Community Center offers three student groups that provide opportunities to drive academic success and encourage community-building:

  • United Indigenous Students in Higher Education (UISHE)
  • American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES)
  • Pacific Islanders Club (PIC)
Room 110

Native American Student & Community Center (NASCC)

The NASCC offers culturally relevant programming, academic support, and intergenerational community engagement. We preserve and perpetuate inter-tribal connection for Native American/Alaskan Native/Pacific Islander students and allies through tradition, ceremony and storytelling.

503.725.9695 |

Academic Programs

Indigenous Nations & Native American Studies Major & Minor

Portland State University is the only college in the state of Oregon to offer a major in Indigenous Nations and Native American studies. The program focuses on studies and practices of Tribal critical race theory, decolonizing methodologies, traditional and cultural ecological knowledge, and contemporary themes. Contemporary themes include community health, food sovereignty and the cultivation of first foods, Indigenous land management, community development, resilience, Indigenous futurisms, and self-determination.

Institute for Tribal Government: Certificate in Tribal Relations

The Certificate in Tribal Relations is offered by the Institute for Tribal Government and Center for Public Service in the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government. It is designed for local, state, and federal government agencies, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and trade associations that work regularly with tribal nations and native communities.

LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) Program

This program supports the success of students from historically underrepresented groups pursuing and earning a bachelor's degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). With support from the National Science Foundation and the Provost's Office at PSU, the program provides mentorship, activities, events, and opportunities for students at Portland State University or from our local community colleges.


EXITO is part of a major National Institute of Health (NIH) initiative to develop, implement, and evaluate innovative research training models for undergraduates historically underrepresented in biomedical research careers. As the research-intensive partner, Oregon Health & Science University provides crucial guidance and expertise.


Trevino Brings Plenty

Trevino Brings Plenty
Cheyenne River Sioux
Native American Student Services

Serina Fast Horse

Serina Fast Horse
Sicangu Lakota & Blackfeet
Program Coordinator,
Institute for Tribal Government

Isaiah Nixon
Admissions Counselor
Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Management