The musical term subito simply means 'suddenly,' indicating an abrupt, striking shift in dynamics or tempo.

Conceived and created by students and faculty, Subito is a journal of music from the PSU School of Music & Theater. Released annually, the journal includes conversations, interviews, book and album reviews, musical analysis, and articles on both historical and contemporary musical subjects from our diverse community.

Students yelling or singing in front of a modern architecture buliding.

Subito 2024

The central theme for this year's journal is the body and wellness of the musician. The journal also includes a faculty spotlight with School of Music & Theater Director of the Coordinate Movement Program Lisa Marsh, research articles, an album review and so much more!

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Subito 2023

Multiple articles from the new History of Hip-Hop course,  faculty spotlight with School of Music & Theater Choir Directors Ethan Sperry and Coty Raven-Morris, analysis and commentary on multiple musical scores, tips for conductors avoiding injury, and so much more.

A reel to reel tape recorder

Subito 2022

Women in electronic music, PSU's Queer Opera returns, faculty spotlight with School of Music & Theater director Bonnie Miksch, a Portland arts community survey and more.

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Subito 2021

Renowned women composers of nineteenth century Europe; jazz musicians reflecting upon the roots of African-American music; punks defining the music of a generation; a Portlander composer offering a haunting work on the death of Mulugeta Seraw.

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Subito 2020

Warsaw Autumns: The New Polish School. John Coltrane's transformation. Darrell Grant on finding, connecting with, and serving your community. Reviews of Jesse McCann's Classical Guitar Pedagogy, and the L.A. Philharmonic's Sustain. Damien Geter's An African American Requiem

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Subito 2019

A symphony concert unites Americana with Italian Romanticism. Californian Gabriela Lena Frank composes a string quartet in dialogue with her Peruvian heritage. Jennifer Higdon tells a fresh viola joke. I Spat in the Eye of Hate and Lived, based on the poetry of PSU student Micah Fletcher.

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Subito 2018

Perspectives on Schubert’s Winterreise, American composer Lou Harrison, the impact of War on Artists, and an exclusive interview with the newly appointed Dean of the College of the Arts, Dr. Leroy E. Bynum, Jr.