Damen Easton

Damen Easton

Adjunct Professor of Theory

(503) 438-9393

Damen Easton received his Masters of Music in Composition in 2015, from the Longy School of Music in Cambridge, Massachusetts. There he studied composition under John Morrison and Jeremy Van Buskirk. This followed his Bachelors at Portland State, where he studied under Renee Favand-See and Bonnie Miksch.

Damen’s work takes influence from Romantic, Modernist, Jazz, Indian Classical, Post Minimal, and Pop music. In 2013, his entry won the annual String Quartet compo-sition competition put on by Classical Revolution PDX. While completing his Masters, he raised money to record a more developed version of that String Quartet, as well as his first Alternative Pop album. After finishing school, he focused more on Alt-Pop music for a time, assembling a band in LA and releasing the album, The Dark Corners.

Damen has recently re-focused on concert art music, primarily on commission. In addition, he is the artist and co-writer of the webcomic, Under the Cloud Summit. Damen has taught Music Theory, as well as Sight Singing and Ear Training, at PSU. He works as a composer/arranger, a score copyist and editor, and a private music educator.

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  • Masters of Music
    The Longy School of Music of Bard College