PSU Opera and Queer Opera present a unique, Covid-safe production of Gian Carlo Menotti’s radio opera “The Old Maid and the Thief”. Our singers were pre-recorded, mixed with an electronic orchestral underscoring, and then edited into a virtual environment, so they can be in the same room - without actually being in the same room!

In Menotti’s original casting, the vagabond Bob shows up on Miss Todd’s doorstep where she is immediately taken with him - but so is her maid Laetitia. When neighborhood gossip Miss Pinkerton reveals that there’s a thief in town who bears a striking resemblance to Bob, Miss Todd and Laetitia are forced to decide his fate. Will they turn him in, or do whatever is necessary to keep him safe?

In PSU’s production, the roles are uniquely cast in order to avoid the traditional heteronormative approach to operatic storytelling. Bob is replaced with Peg in one cast. And in another, Laeticia and MISTER Todd have to decide how to handle their visitor.

Premieres October 15, 2021

Peg Cast

Miss Todd - Ava Price
Laeticia - Abigail Marine
Peg - Jena Viemeister (alum)
Miss Pinkerton - Taylor Hulett
Narrator - Suzi Stevens

Bob Cast

Mister Todd - Wyatt Jackson
Laeticia - Abigail Marine
Bob - Austin Allen
Mister Pinkerton - Ben Trombi
Narrator - Todd Fisher

Production Team

Chuck Dillard - Music Director and Orchestrator
Rebecca Herman - Stage Director
Christine Meadows - Production Coordinator and Coach
Maia Denzler - Props and Costumes
Zach Putnam - Videographer
Anwyn Willette - Audio Director
Kamryn Fall - Video Editor

Oper singers performing in costume

The PSU Opera Program

The nationally renowned Portland State University Opera mounts two major productions per academic year. Undergraduate students often perform lead roles in our fully-staged productions, a rarity in collegiate Opera programs. 

Queer Opera title card

Queer Opera

Queer Opera is dedicated to providing a safe stage for LGBTQIA singers and allies to tell queer stories through the traditional genre of opera. Using unconventional casting methods, roles are matched with individuals based on how they identify, rather than the gender of the role or their voice type.