Writing Not Writing

Writing Not Writing

Jessica Jackson Hutchins

About the artwork

Jessica Jackson Hutchins
Writing Not Writing, 2017
Dimensions(h x w x d): 56" x 28" x 12"
Fused glass, ceramic, and steel
Located in Peter Stott Center's east-facing atrium

The inspiration to explore glass as a medium came to artist Jessica Jackson Hutchins while scouting locations for the 2016 Portland Biennial. She found herself in an abandoned Christian Science Reading Room in Pendleton, Oregon. Noticing that several of the stained glass panels on the ceiling’s oculus were missing, Hutchins was seized with a desire to fill the gaps with her own glass works, despite never having worked with the material before. Writing Not Writing references the style of stained glass mosaics, with a contemporary abstract spin and the inclusion of a small ceramic element at upper left.

About the artist

Born in Chicago and based in Portland, Jessica Jackson Hutchins is an internationally exhibited multimedia artist who creates assemblage art from found objects, embracing the potential of beauty in discarded materials and undervalued forms. Her recent work incorporates light and color, elevating media associated with craft, such as glass and ceramic, to the arena of high art. Three other examples of her recent glass work can be found in Fariborz Maseeh Hall.

See more of Hutchins's work on the Marianne Boesky Gallery website.

This work was acquired through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.

Banner image: Photo by Evan La Londe.