Videographer / Editor / Colorist: Alberta Poon

Videographer / Editor / Colorist

Alberta Poon

Based in Portland, OR, Alberta Poon is a first-generation Chinese-American director and screenwriter. Alberta’s intuit for aesthetics are audiovisually centered, sampling and incorporating vibrant color palettes and soundscapes. Her eye for detail and ability to bring out the best of her subjects are key elements of her work – whether she is directing live action or developing stories in post. Her diverse background as an editor, videographer, and musician influences her directorial approach and enables effective collaboration.

On principle, Alberta strives for diversity and the incorporation of complex female characters to tell their exceptional stories. A common thread that ties her work together is inclusivity within underrepresented communities, both in front and behind the camera.

Alberta’s films have screened in the Tacoma Film Festival, SPLIFF, Local Sightings Film Festival, and have been featured in Vogue (twice), Broccoli Magazine, and The Portland Mercury.